The Time Entry Details report gives you a detailed overview of all time entries you have created in a time period. This also includes your team's time entries. You're able to customize this to show you a particular range of time entries, along with their notes, using the optional filters.
You can run a Time Entry Details report by doing the following:
Select the Reports section
Then select Time Entry Details under Time Tracking Reports.
To adjust your view of the Time Entry Details report, select Filters under Settings. From there, you can change:
Reset all - Select this link to restore the filters back to the default settings
Date Range - Choose from This Month, Last Month, This Week, Last Week, or Custom to enter a specific date range
Group By - You can choose to organize the entries by Team Member, Client, Project, Service or Week
Limit To:
Clients - Choose between Internal,All Clients, or a specific client
Project - Filter to a specific project if needed
Team Members - Choose between All Team Members or a specific team member
Hours / Statuses - Choose whether you want to view All Hours / Statuses, or Billed, Unbilled or Non-Billable time entries
Currency - Toggle between All Currencies or by a specific currency
Customize Report
Choose which columns to show on the Time Entry Details report by selecting Customize Report under Settings. From there you can show or hide the following columns:
Billable Rate - The billing method's rate for the specific time entry (or project if associated to one)
Total Billable - Determined by multiplying the billable rate with the total time tracked
Cost Rate - The cost rate for the specific team member who tracked the time
Total Cost - Determined by multiplying the cost rate with the total time tracked
The currency of your amounts on the report are based on what's selected in the Business' Base Currency
The amount of the time entry is calculated depending on the Status:
Billed - The rate is calculated from the invoice
Unbilled - The rate is calculated from either the team member or project rate
All time entries logged under 30 seconds are rounded down and any over 30 seconds are rounded up to the nearest minute; to view exact time logged up to 4 decimal places, export the Time Entry Details report as a CSV instead
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Time Entry Details report:
More Actions
Export for Excel - Download the report as a CSV file
Print - Print the report or save the report as a PDF using the print dialog
Send... - Send the report to any specific email addresses