
How do I use share via link?

Share via Link allow you to quickly send an invoice, estimate, or proposal to anyone using a unique shareable link. This is useful if you need to send an invoice, estimate, or proposal through other means besides email, or if you need to share with someone else that works alongside your client.

Generate a link using the below steps:

  1. Select the Invoices or Estimates section
  2. Then select an invoice or estimate / proposal to open it
  3. Next, select the More Actions button
  4. Select Share via Link
    Create a shareable link button on invoice.
  5. If the invoice is a draft, select Got it - Mark as Sent to confirm the status update
  6. The link will be generated - select Copy to Clipboard to copy the link and paste wherever you need it. Once generated, you can use the steps above to access the link again
    Copy Link confirmation screen.
  7. Select Done when you’re finished.



  • Links created by Share via Link do not include an option to create a client account since this link can be shared with anyone else, if your client needs to create a client account, email the invoice, estimate, or proposal instead
  • Changing the client on an invoice, estimate, or proposal will deactivate any generated links from Share via Link and require a new one to be generated again
  • Invoice Share Links
    • Shared links will automatically mark the invoice as Sent
    • Anyone with the link can pay the invoice, but they will not be able to save the payment details to a client account