The Payments Collected report breaks down all your payments you have recorded in your account in detail.
You can run a Payments Collected report by doing the following:
- Select the Reports section
- Then select Payments Collected under Payments Reports.
To adjust your view of the Payments Collected report, select Filters under Settings. From there, you can change:

- Reset all - Select this link to restore the filters back to the default settings
- Date Range - Choose from This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Last Quarter, or Custom to enter a specific date range (or if you’ve changed your fiscal year end date, choose from the extra options)
- Clients - Choose between All Clients or select specific clients to filter by
- Payment Method - Defaults to All Methods of Payment, or choose one or multiple payment method options
- Payment For - Choose between Invoices, Credit (includes prepayment and overpayment credits), Checkout Links, or Other Income
- Currency - Choose between All Currencies or a specific currency
- Sales tax is not broken down in detail in this report, run a Sales Tax report to find this instead
- Overpayment credits are included
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Payments Collected report:
More Actions
- Export for Excel - Download the report as a CSV file
- Print - Print the report or save the report as a PDF using the print dialog
- Send... - Send the report to any specific email addresses