
How do I update my billing information?

Update your billing information anytime in your FreshBooks account if you have a new address, or a new credit card to enter in. If you're having trouble with your current payment information going through, re-entering your credit card information can also help, especially with declines caused by your bank.

Anytime your credit card information is updated, any outstanding payments on your FreshBooks subscription are automatically retried.


To manage your FreshBooks subscription including updating your billing information, use a web browser to complete the below steps.


You can update your credit card or your address by going to your Billing and Upgrade directly, or with these steps:

  1. On a web browser, select your profile picture or initials in the top right corner
  2. Then select Billing and Upgrade
  3. Under the Payment Details section, select Update Payment Method, or go directly to payment method here
    1. For users on the Select plan, select the Update your credit card link in the pop up instead
  4. Enter your new credit card if needed (note that the expiration date can either be MM/YY or MM/YYYY depending on your card)
  5. Select Change next to Billing Address to update if needed
  6. Then select Save to finish.



Why are my updated credit card details not saving?

Below are some common issues with new credit card details not saving:

  • The expiration date may be MM/YY or MM/YYYY depending on your card - try both options
  • The credit card must be one of the accepted types (Amex, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa) and is not a prepaid or debit credit card
  • Ensure all the details have been filled out manually, not auto-filled by your browser
  • Make sure the address matches your credit card's billing address with no spelling errors
  • Ensure there are no unsupported characters in your address like / and - 
  • Your browser may not be supported - for best results use Chrome or update your browser to the latest versions here

If all the above isn't working, check with your bank, particularly if you are located outside of Canada. Some banks may require you to authorize FreshBooks to charge your credit card on a recurring basis since FreshBooks is located in Canada.


Why did my payment decline?

Payments can decline due to various reasons, including these common ones: 

  • Insufficient Funds - If you are being billed in a different currency, the total can be higher after exchange rates and bank fees
  • Incorrect Information - Update your credit card to ensure your account has the latest information, especially if your card expired
  • Authorization Required / Bank Blocking - Check with your bank to ensure recurring charges from FreshBooks (in Canada) are not blocked, and that no additional verification is required to complete the transaction


How do I reactivate my account with my updated credit card?

Reactivate your account anytime to pick up where you left off with all your data intact using the below steps:

  1. On a web browser, log in at
  2. Enter in your updated credit card information - note that the expiration date can either be MM/YY or MM/YYYY depending on your card
  3. Select Change next to Billing Address to update if needed
  4. Then select Reactivate. Your account will be reactivated and all outstanding payments (if there are any) will be retried as well.

Once reactivated, you can resume running payroll using FreshBooks Payroll powered by Gusto. Recurring expenses, recurring templates, and retainers that were active prior to your account's suspension or cancellation will need to be restarted again.