
What are payment reminders and late fees?

Payment reminders and late fees allow you to remind your clients about their outstanding invoices by sending a reminder email and/or by charging a percentage or flat fee. Reminders and late fees are available on newly created invoices, and apply when an invoice is past their due date. 


To update your payment reminders and have it apply to all clients' new invoices and recurring templates moving forward, you can edit all three reminder emails in your email customization instead. This will overwrite any previous payment reminders.



Access Payment Reminders and Late Fee

There are multiple ways to adjust all three payment reminders and the late fee:

  • Apply to All - To overwrite any previous payment reminders for all clients' new invoices and recurring templates moving forward, use Email Customization instead
  • Apply to Specific Client - To only update for a specific client, select the Clients section, then select any client, and select the Edit button
  • Apply to Specific Invoice - To only update for a specific invoice, select the Invoices section, then select the New Invoice button


Payment Reminders

Remind your client of their unpaid invoice by sending up to three reminder emails with these steps:

  1. From within the client profile or the invoice itself under Client Settings, select Send Reminders
    Send reminders button.
  2. Check the box off next to Automatically send payment reminders for this client’s invoices
    Checkbox enabled to send reminders with additional settings.
  3. For Reminder #1, enter the number of days, and choose between before or after on when to send the reminder
  4. To customize the email message, select the slider icon, then select the Enter a Personal Message box to enter in your message, then select Done to save
    Personal message area to customize email reminder.
  5. If needed, select the + Add Another Reminder button and repeat steps 3-4 to create a second and/or third reminder
  6. Select Done to save your changes.



  • Activating payment reminders applies to existing and new invoices only for that client, and will send reminders for any future dates
  • Payment reminders are sent to whoever the invoice was initially sent to, including any secondary contacts
  • To send additional reminders anytime, even after all 3 are sent, select the comment icon at the top of any invoice and enter in the Send a message… field - this will send an email to your client with the message and a link to the invoiceComment button at top of invoice with history shown.


Charge Late Fees

Charge a one-time late fee if your client takes too long to pay an invoice. This late fee is applied as a new line item to your invoice and can be set up with these steps to new invoices only:

  1. From within the client profile or the invoice itself under Client Settings, select Charge Late Fees
    Charge late fees button.
  2. Check the box off next to Automatically add late fees to this invoice if it goes unpaid for too long
    Checkbox to activate late fees and settings to adjust late fee amount and how many days after due date.
  3. Under the Late Fee Amount, choose either: 
    1. Percentage of invoice value to charge on a percentage rate of the invoice's total
      1. Next, enter the number you want to charge as percentage
    2. Percentage of outstanding balance to charge based on the invoice's outstanding total
      1. Next, enter the number you want to charge as percentage
    3. Flat Fee to charge a fixed amount
      1. Next, enter the number you want to charge as an amount
  4. If needed, select Add Taxes and select up to two sales taxes to apply to the late fee, then select Apply Taxes
  5. In the When? field, enter the number of days after the due date you want the late fee to apply on
  6. Select Done to save your changes.



  • Updating late fees on an invoice will also apply to future new invoices for the same client client
  • Updating the late fee amount and when? settings can be done as long as the late fee's due date has not occurred yet, and the new due date is a date in the future