
How does archive or delete work?

In FreshBooks you will find that your lists are divided into three sections: active, archived and deleted. These have different functions in FreshBooks according to each status, and you can switch between these statuses by unarchiving or undeleting most things in your account.


  • Fully functional
  • Active data appears in all of your lists and reports
  • Active clients count towards your client limit on all plans

If you ever need to return to your active view, you can select the All [Section] link (e.g., All Invoices, All Expenses, All Projects, etc).



  • Archiving things help shorten your lists (e.g., paid invoices can be archived and all other invoices can remain in the active view)
  • Archived clients count towards your client limit on all plans
  • Archived recurring templates and retainers will continue to generate Invoices
  • Archived expenses will continue to appear in bank reconciliation
  • Archived projects will be viewable but you'll no longer be able to track time to it
  • Anything archived will not appear in lists (like invoices, expenses, projects, etc), but will appear in reports and in most searches
    • Archived projects must be searched in the archived section only
  • Can be unarchived for later use

To archive something: 

  1. Go to the section (e.g., Invoices or Expenses)
  2. Check the box(es) off next to the content you want to archive
  3. Select the Bulk Actions button
  4. Then select ArchiveArchive button for project.
  5. View your archived content by selecting the View Archived [Section] button (e.g., View Archived Projects).
    View archived button at bottom of list.

Archived Content

View all archived content or unarchive something with the below steps:

  1. Go to the section (e.g., Invoices or Expenses)
  2. At the bottom of the list, select the View Archived [Section] button (e.g., View Archived Invoices)
  3. Check off the box(es) next to any archived content
  4. Select the Bulk Actions button
  5. Then select Unarchive to restore it back to the main list.



  • Will not appear in any lists
  • Completely inactive, but can be undeleted for later use
  • Deleting clients will not delete their past invoices or payments associated with them
  • Deleted clients do not count towards your client limit on all plans
  • Deleted projects and deleted team members' time entries will remain associated to them and can be billed later, and will also appear on the Time Entry Details report
    • The Time Entry Details report can be filtered to a specific deleted team member if needed
  • You can also run reports on deleted clients if All Clients are selected, but you will not be able to run any filtered reports on a deleted client specifically
  • Deleted sent emails will still remain accessible
  • Deleting credits, payments, and time entries is permanent and cannot be undeleted

To delete something: 

  1. Go to the section (e.g., Invoices or Expenses)
  2. Check the box(es) off next to the content you want to delete
  3. Select the Bulk Actions button
  4. Then select DeleteDelete button for expense.
  5. View your deleted content by selecting the deleted link at the bottom of any list.View deleted link at bottom of list.

Deleted Content

View all deleted content or undelete something with the below steps:

  1. Go to the section (e.g., Invoices or Expenses)
  2. At the bottom of the list, select the deleted link
  3. Check off the box(es) next to any deleted content
  4. Select the Bulk Actions button
  5. Then select Undelete to restore it back to the main list.