The Account Statement, also known as a client statement or client summary, allows you to share key details with your clients like their outstanding balance, invoices and payments history, and available credits.
You can run an Account Statement for a particular client by doing the following:
- Select the Clients section
- Then select the client you want to run the statement for
- Next, select the More Actions button
- Select Generate Statement.
To adjust your view of the Client's Account Statement, select Filters under Settings. From there, you can change:

- Reset all - Select this link to restore the filters back to the default settings
- Date Range - Choose from This Month, This Year, Last Year, This Quarter, Last Quarter, or Custom to enter a specific date range (or if you’ve changed your fiscal year end date, choose from the extra options)
- Currency - Toggle between multiple currencies, only one currency can be viewed at a time
The Summary area shows you the following:
- Balance Forward - If running in a specific date range, this will carry any remaining balance over
- Invoiced - All invoices made for this client
- Paid - All paid invoices only
- Credit Balance - The total of all credit notes, prepayment and overpayment credits
- Account Balance - The outstanding amount after factoring in totals from invoiced, paid and credit balance
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Client Account Statement:
More Actions
- Export for Excel - Download the report as a CSV file
- Print - Print the report or save the report as a PDF using the print dialog
- Send... - Send the report to a specific email address