The Retainer Summary report is a detailed breakdown of all time tracked by you and your team for any client that has a retainer.
You can run a Retainer Summary report by doing the following:
- Select the Reports section
- Then select Retainer Summary under Time Tracking Reports.
To adjust your view of the Retainer Summary report, select Filters under Settings. From there, you can change:

- Reset all - Select this link to restore the filters back to the default settings
- Client - Choose which client’s retainer you’d like to view
- Period - Choose a period from your client’s retainer to view specific time entries from
- Group By - You can choose to organize the entries by Team Member, Client, Project or Service
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Retainer Summary report:
More Actions
- Export for Excel - Download the report as a CSV file
- Print - Print the report or save the report as a PDF using the print dialog
- Send... - Send the report to any specific email addresses