What is the Retainer Summary report?

The Retainer Summary report is a detailed breakdown of all time tracked by you and your team for any client that has a retainer.
The Retainer Summary report is available if you have Retainers on your plan.
You can run a Retainer Summary report by doing the following:
  1. Select the Reports section
  2. Then select Retainer Summary under Time Tracking Reports.
To adjust your view of the Retainer Summary report, select Filters under Settings. From there, you can change: 
Filters for the retainer summary report.
  • Reset all - Select this link to restore the filters back to the default settings
  • Client - Choose which client’s retainer you’d like to view
  • Period - Choose a period from your client’s retainer to view specific time entries from
  • Group By - You can choose to organize the entries by Team Member, Client, Project or Service
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Retainer Summary report:
  • More Actions
    • Export for Excel - Download the report as a CSV file
    • Print - Print the report or save the report as a PDF using the print dialog
  • Send... - Send the report to any specific email addresses