
How do I receive invoices into my account?

When another FreshBooks user sends you an invoice, you can save that in your account under the To Me sub-tab inside the Invoices section for safekeeping anytime you need to review their invoices. You can also easily convert these invoices into expenses, which can help you keep track of payments to your contractors and vendors.



Save Invoices to your Account

Once you’ve saved an invoice from a business, all future invoices from this same business will automatically show up in the To Me sub-tab in the Invoices section in your account. New invoices from new businesses will require you to use the below steps to set up the connection each time:

  1. Open the invoice you received via email in your web browser
  2. Select the Log in to view all invoices / estimates / proposals from [Company] link
    Link to log into account above invoice.
  3. Enter the Password associated with your FreshBooks account
  4. If you have multiple businesses, choose the business to receive invoices from this sender
  5. You’ll automatically be logged into your account in the business you’ve selected, and taken to the To Me (received invoices) sub-tab.To me sub-tab to find all received invoices.

Once you’ve set up the connection, any other invoices also sent by the same sender will automatically appear in this list of received invoices. View any received invoice and select More Actions and then select either Print or Download PDF to save your invoice offline.



  • If you don't have the received invoices inside your account, or in any of your multiple businesses, and you've already tried the steps above, reach out to our support team so we can help move the connection to the correct account
  • Reach out to the sender of the invoice for any updates, including marking invoices as paid
  • To download multiple invoices as PDFs, in the To Me section, check off the box(es) next to the invoices, select Bulk Actions, then select Download PDF to download individual PDF files


Convert Received Invoices into Expenses

Once you’ve successfully received an invoice in your account, you can easily convert the invoice, or any future invoices from the same sender, into an expense with these steps:

  1. Select the Invoices section
  2. Then select the to me sub-tabTo me sub-tab to find all received invoices.
  3. Find the invoice you want to convert into an expense, and select it to open it
  4. On the invoice, select the Convert to Expense button, or if it's not visible, select More Actions first then select Convert to Expense
  5. On the New Expense screen, the invoice details are automatically recorded in the Description for you, edit anything as needed
  6. When you’re done, select Save to finish and the received invoice will now be saved as a new expense. The expense itself will also have a View Invoice link so you can review the invoice itself anytime.
    Expense with details of the received invoice in description and a link to view invoice.