
How do I review time entries?

Review all time entries tracked by yourself and your team members in one place with the All sub-tab in the Time Tracking section. This is useful if you need to review progress on a particular project, keep track of which entries have been billed or not, or search for specific entries.


If you'd like to track time or understand the difference between billed, unbilled and non-billable, review How do I track my time? instead.


To access the All Time Entries sub-tab, use the below steps:

  1. Select the Time Tracking section
  2. Then select the all sub-tab.


Team Time Summary

The All Team Members chart shows a summary of all team members’ time tracked by project, or by calendar view. The All Team Members is broken down into:

Team time summary box showing bar graph of tracked time by project.

  • < Month > - Select the left chevron < or right chevron > icons to move back or forward a month
  • All Team Members - Shows all time tracked in that month by project from everyone
  • Team Member - Select any team member’s name to review their time tracked in that month
  • Bar Graph - Select the bar graph icon to view tracked time by bar graph
    Bar graph icon in team time summary area.
  • Calendar - Select the calendar icon to view tracked time in a calendar, hover over any day to get the specific project and total time tracked that day
    Calendar icon in team time summary area.
  • View Time Entries - Select the link under the team member’s name to review a filtered list of all time entries below the chart



  • To hide the graph, select the Remove link in the top right corner of the graph
    Remove summary button above team time summary box.
  • To bring the graph back, hover over the All Time Entries title until the Show Summary of team’s time button is revealed, then select it
    Show summary of team's time button above All Time Enries title.


All Time Entries Review

All logged time entries by yourself and your team members are listed here, along with the option to add a new time entry or start a timer: 

List of all time entries with details.

  • New Entry - Create a new time entry using the steps in How do I track my time? here
  • Start Timer - Start a timer using the steps in How do I track my time? here
  • Search - Search for specific time entries using the search and sort options
  • Edit Time Entry - Select any time entry logged by yourself or by any team member (except contractors, who can only edit their own time) to edit, select the checkmark button to save
    Time entry being edited.

You can also use the More Actions button to change your Tracking Format or the Generate Invoice button to generate an invoice with time tracked on it.


To modify several time entries in bulk, including your team members' time entries, use the below steps:

  1. Select the Time Tracking section
  2. Then select the All sub-tab
  3. Check the boxes next to the time entries you want to modify together
  4. Select the Bulk Actions button
  5. Choose between:
    1. Generate Invoice, and then continue making your invoice using the steps in How do I generate an invoice? here
    2. Delete, and then select OK to confirm
    3. Mark as Billed / Unbilled, and then select OK to confirm
    4. Or Apply to Retainer if the time entries are associated to a client with an active retainer, and then select OK to confirm.

Note: Only contractors can modify their time entries, including editing and deleting time entries.