How do I track time using the Chrome time tracker extension?

The Chrome time tracker extension allows you to easily track time from your browser, wherever your work takes you across the web. You can track time to document your business' and team's productivity, or to bill back to the client for your services worked.

Download the Extension

To download the time tracker extension, use these steps: 
  1. Go to the extension page in Chrome's web store here (or search for FreshBooks Time Tracker)
  2. Select the Add to Chrome button
  3. Then select the Add extension button in the pop-up inside your Chrome browser
  4. The extension, as a FreshBooks icon, will now be installed next to the address bar.

Set Up

  1. Once you have the Chrome time tracker extension downloaded, select the extension icon in your web browser
    Timer extension icon.
  2. Select Sign In
    Sign in button on extension pop-up.
  3. In the pop-up that appears, enter your Email and Password, or sign in with Google or Apple as needed and select Log In
  4. If needed, choose the business you want to track time in. You'll continue to be logged into the extension even after you close the browser for up to 12 hours before being prompted to log in again. 

Track Time

Start Timer

  1. Select the extension icon
  2. Then select Start Timer
    Start Timer button.
  3. The extension icon will update to show a green dot while the timer starts running
  4. Next, choose a recent client or project, or select Choose a client... and enter in the Add a client or project field
  5. If the client has an active retainer, Apply to Retainer will be automatically checked off, if needed, uncheck the box to track this time outside of the retainer
  6. Next, if needed, select Add a service and choose a service
  7. If needed, select What are you working on? and include any details
  8. If you want to bill the time entry to your client later, ensure Billable is checked off
  9. When you're done tracking time, select Log Time to finish. Or select Cancel to discard the timer.
  • If you need to create a new project, use your web browser and use the steps in What are projects? instead
  • If your Tracking Format is set to Duration, pause the timer by selecting on the pause button, and resume by pressing the play button
  • The timer will follow you wherever you go on your Chrome browser, even in multiple tabs
  • Select the pop-out icon to have the timer in its own window, selecting on this icon again will pop the timer back into the corner of your browser window

    Pop out timer on webpage with window moving around.

Log Time

  1. Select the extension icon
  2. Then select Log Time
    Log Time button.
  3. If needed, use the plus + and minus icons to adjust the time by 15 minute increments, overwrite the box by entering in the hours and minutes manually, or manually adjust the start time
  4. Next, choose a recent client or project, or select Choose a client... and enter in the Add a client or project field
  5. If the client has an active retainer, Apply to Retainer will be automatically checked off, if needed, uncheck the box to track this time outside of the retainer
  6. Next, if needed, select Add a service and choose a service
  7. If needed, select What are you working on? and include any details
  8. If you want to bill the time entry to your client later, ensure Billable is checked off
  9. When you're done tracking time, select Log Time to finish. Or select Discard to cancel logging the time entry.