Clients are the people you bill for the work you’ve been hired to do. You can add, manage and delete your clients as your business grows, as well as add secondary contacts in each client profile, so you can send to multiple contacts in one company as needed. Use the client profile as a way to quickly access your client’s information in one central place.
If you have Client Access, select Team Member Access to review who has access to your Client
To allow the option to attach a PDF of the invoice when sending by email for individual invoices only, select Invoice Attachments and check off the box
Then select Save to confirm your new client.
Note: If the email matches another client's email that's already in your account, you'll be asked to confirm again.
Client Profile
Any client's profile can be viewed by going to the Clients section and selecting a client. You'll land on the Overview tab by default:
In the Overview tab, you can find the below information:
Settings - This can be accessed with the slider icon next to the name, with these options:
Send Reminders - Customize the reminder emails and frequency they're sent out for overdue invoices
Charge Late Fees - Encourage faster payment on overdue invoices by applying a fee
Currency and Language - Change the currency and language on new Invoices for this client
Invoice Attachments (Send as PDF) - Check off the box to activate the option to attach a PDF of the invoice when sending by email for individual invoices only
More Actions - Select this to quickly Edit Client, Generate Statement, Archive or Delete the Client
Create New… - Select this button to quickly create an Invoice, Expense, Estimate, Proposal or Project for this client specifically
Client Card - Lists information for the client
Outstanding Revenue - This graph shows both overdue invoices (in red) that have missed the due date, and outstanding invoices (in yellow) that have not reached the due date yet. Hover over the bar to view the amounts and invoices
In Draft - The total of all invoices in draft status for this client - hover to view the invoices
Available Credit - Total credit available for this client - hover to view the overpayments and to delete them
Unbilled Time - Total of all unbilled time entries - hover to view the time entries
Unbilled Expenses - Total of unbilled expenses assigned to this client - hover to view the expenses
Below the client’s details and the Outstanding Revenue graph are a set of tabs that allow you to easily view all of your client’s information in one place:
Invoices - This includes only active invoices, including those generated from the retainer and recurring templates (use the Advanced Search in invoices to view both active and archived invoices instead)
Recurring Templates - Lists all active recurring templates only (use the Advanced Search in invoices to view both active and archived recurring templates instead)
Contacts - Manage all secondary contacts
Credits - Lists all prepayment and overpayment credits created for this client
Checkout Links
Time Tracking - All time entries assigned to this client will appear here
Reports - Access reports with the filter already set to the specific client you’re viewing, like the Client Account Statement
Internal Notes
Internal notes are a great way to keep track of your client details by recording private notes. This is only visible to you and your team. To add internal notes, use these steps:
Select the Clients section
Then select the Client you want to view
Next, select the Relationship sub-tab
Under Relationship, select the area where it says Add notes here (they will not be visible to your client) and begin typing. When you're done, select anywhere outside of the area and the text will be saved.
Secondary Contacts
If you need to send to multiple contacts within the same organization, you can add as many secondary contacts as needed under the primary client's profile. From there, you can choose which contacts to send an invoice to, or choose to send to all contacts. This way, you can send to multiple emails, and any of the secondary contacts can also pay the invoice as well.
Add Secondary Contacts
To add a secondary contact, use these steps:
Go to the Clients section
Select a Client you want to add secondary contacts to
Then select the Contacts sub-tab
Select the + button next to Contacts for [Client Name]
Enter in the First Name and Last Name fields if needed
Enter in the Email
Next, add up to two phone numbers in the Phone 1 and Phone 2 fields if needed
Select the checkmarkbutton to finish. Once added to the profile, all saved secondary contacts will be available to select along with the primary client when sending an invoice or estimate/proposal by email.
Edit or Delete Secondary Contacts Secondary contacts can be edited or deleted with the following steps:
Go to the Clients section
Select a client you want to add secondary contacts to
Then select the Contacts sub-tab
To edit a client, hover over it and select the pencil icon
To delete a client, hover over it and select the trash can icon
Or you can check off multiple boxes and then select the Bulk Actions button
Then select Delete to finish deleting secondary contacts in bulk.
Send to Secondary Contacts
When you’re ready to send an invoice, estimate or proposal, select the Send… (or the Save… for recurring templates) button. In the To: field, the primary client will automatically be checked off as a sender, along with any secondary contacts you've sent to on a recent invoice, estimate or proposal.
From here you can either:
Remove the primary client by selecting the X or unchecking the box next to their email in the list
Add existing secondary contacts by entering in the names/email addresses and selecting them, or by checking off the boxes next to their name/email address
Add new secondary contacts by entering their email address and selecting the comma, enter, spacebar or tab key to add
How do I manage my clients?
From the Clients section, you can select More Actions and then select either:
Export Clients - Your clients, secondary contacts, address information and notes will be exported in a CSV file. If there are more than 1000 clients, multiple CSV files will be exported (1000 per file), ensure your browser allows multiple downloads at once
From the Clients section, hover over any client to quickly perform any of these actions:
Edit - Select the pencil icon and you’ll be taken to the edit screen of the client's profile where you can adjust and save afterwards
Archive - Select the box icon to move the client to your Archived Clients list
Delete - Select the trash can icon to delete the client. You can view all deleted clients by selecting the deleted link at the bottom of the list