What is the Audit Log report?

The Audit Log is a type of report that allows you to track all changes made to your invoices. With clear timelines and accurate details of all financial updates made to invoices, you can filter by user, invoice number, client, or change type to get a customized view of invoice changes.
The Audit Log report will only display invoice changes made from May 24, 2024 onwards.
You can run the Audit Log report by doing the following:
  1. Select the Reports section
  2. Then select Audit Log under Logs.
To adjust your view of the Audit Log report, select the Filter button. From there, you can change:
Audit log report with filter button highlighted.
  • Quick Filters - Select either All to view all logs from all users, or Your Changes to only view changes made by you
  • Start Date and End Date - Choose a specific date
  • Client - Choose between All or select specific clients to filter by
  • Change Type - Choose between All, Create, Delete, Edit, Settings Update, Status Change, or Undelete
  • User - Choose between All, or a specific team member
  • Entity - Choose between All, or a specific invoice
  • Clear All Filters - Select this link to restore the filters back to the default settings


The Audit Log reflects changes made both by users and by the FreshBooks system:
Statuses are applied based on specific changes that occur with your invoices:
  • Create - When an invoice is created
  • Delete - When an invoice is deleted
  • Edit - When any of the following is edited on the invoice:
    • Client
    • Date of issue
    • Due date
    • Invoice number
    • Reference
    • Item description
    • Add or edit rate
    • Add or edit taxes
    • Edit quantity
    • Add a new line item to the invoice
    • Update or delete a line item
    • Add, edit, or delete import unbilled time, expenses and projects placeholder
    • Add, edit, or delete discount
    • Add, edit, or delete deposit
    • Add, edit, or delete payment schedule
    • Late fee is added to the total
    • Update notes, terms, or attachments
    • Edit existing payment on invoice
    • Update payment method for the payment entered on invoice
  • Status Update - When any of the below trigger a status change:
    • Archive
    • Mark as sent
    • Payment is added in partial or full, or is deleted
    • Send by email
    • Unarchive
  • Settings Update - When any of the following invoice settings are changed:
    • Activate or deactivate charge late fees
    • Update late fee amount or days after due date to apply late fee
    • Activate, add, edit, delete, or deactivate payment reminders
    • Currency
    • Language
  • Undelete - When an invoice is undeleted
System Users
Along with yourself and your team members, the Audit Log will include these system users by default to track certain changes:
  • Automation - Used for changes made automatically by FreshBooks and through FreshBooks’ API, like updating the invoice after refunding an online payment
  • FreshBooks Staff - Used for changes made by FreshBooks staff when assisting you
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Audit Log:
  • Print - Print the report or save the log as a PDF using the print dialog
  • Export to CSV - Download the log as a CSV file