
What is the Contractor Payment report?

The Contractor Payment report shows a detailed breakdown of payment information for each pay period and each contractor. A summary is provided for each contractor, along with a breakdown by each pay period to help you review payments for a specific date range.


The Contractor Payment report is only available with the FreshBooks Payroll powered by Gusto add-on.


If you're looking to download payroll information for your employees, use the Payroll Journal report instead.


You can run a Contractor Payment report by doing the following:

  1. Select the Reports section
  2. Then select Contractor Payment under Payroll Reports
  3. Under Date Range, choose a Start Date and End Date
  4. Then select Download CSV and a CSV file will download.


Note: Start date and end date must be 1 year or less apart for the report to run.



The CSV of your Contractor Payment report includes the following:

  • Business name and filing address
  • Contractor Payment Summary by Contractor
    • Contractor’s name or business name, hours, wage, bonus, reimbursement, total pay
  • Contractor Payment Details
    • Detailed breakdown of payments for each contractor including payment method