The Recurring Revenue Details report lists each individual recurring template and retainer that makes up your monthly recurring revenue for each of your clients. Run from the present date to any date in the future, this report allows you to view your future projected recurring revenue at any given time.
To access your Recurring Revenue Details report, use the following steps:
Select the Reports section
Then select Recurring Revenue Details under Invoice and Expense Reports.
To adjust your view of the Recurring Revenue Details report, select the Filters button under Settings. From there, you can change:
Date Range - Choose from This Month (From Today), This Year (From Today), This Quarter (From Today) or Custom (or if you’ve changed your fiscal year end date, choose from the extra options)
Clients - Choose between All Clients or select specific clients to filter by
Currency - Toggle between multiple currencies, only one currency can be viewed at a time
If your Recurring Revenue Details report has more than 100 clients in a 12 month range, you'll find a link to Download Report instead. Alternatively, you can select up to 100 clients in Filters to view the report inside your account.
The Recurring Revenue Details report is broken down into several sections, making it easy to see where your monthly totals come from:
Month - Any active recurring template and retainers set to generate during that month will be listed
Date - The date of when the recurring template or retainer is due to generate an invoice during that month
Recurring Template / Retainer - The unique ID of the recurring template or retainer, selecting this link takes you to that active template or retainer
Frequency - How often the template or retainer is generating invoices
Amount - The grand total of the recurring template or retainer’s generated invoice
Note that sales tax is not included in this report when looking at revenue
Additional options can also be accessed in the top right corner of the Recurring Revenue Details report:
More Actions
Export for Excel - Download the report as a CSV file
Print - Print the report or save the report as a PDF using the print dialog
Send... - Send the report to any specific email addresses