
How do I add, edit, or delete manual transactions in bank reconciliation?

Manage your bank reconciliation transactions to keep your books organized by importing a CSV file of transactions in bulk, along with adding, editing, deleting, or undeleting transactions as needed. This includes adding in missing transactions or fixing duplicates and mistakes whether you’re doing simple or complex reconciliation.


Accounting features like Bank Reconciliation are available on trials as well as Plus, Premium and Select plans only. We also recommend inviting an accountant to help you learn more about Bank Reconciliation.


To reconcile manually added bank accounts, add the bank account first using How do I set up bank reconciliation? before uploading a CSV of transactions. If you don't use Bank Reconciliation and you're looking to import expenses only, review How do I import expenses from a file? instead.



Import Transactions From a File

If you have multiple transactions that you’d like to add to your bank reconciliation, you can import them in bulk with a CSV file.

When creating the CSV file, ensure the file has no more than 500 transactions maximum. Next, ensure the CSV file has these required headers in one of the options below, and then add your data:

  • Date - Use the same date format for all, and ensure all transactions are in chronological order
  • Amount or Amount Spent and Amount Earned - Ensure these columns only contain numbers and no letters or special characters
    • Amount (1 Column) - Use positive numbers for money in transactions and negative (-) numbers for money out transactions
    • Amount Spent and Amount Earned (2 Columns) – Use positive numbers only for both

Option 1



Option 2

DateAmount SpentAmount Earned


Optional Headers

There are also optional headers you can include in the file to import more data:

  • Description
  • Category - Use only Operating Expense parent categories
    • If the Category does not yet exist, expenses imported under this non-existent category will be categorized under Uncategorized Expenses instead

Option 1



Option 2

DateAmount SpentAmount EarnedDescriptionCategory



Once your file is ready, keep in mind that importing a CSV file can take up to 15 minutes and you must remain logged into your FreshBooks account while the file is importing, or your import will be interrupted.

To import your CSV file, use these steps:

  1. Select the Accounting section
  2. Then select the # left to match, Add Transactions, or Upload CSV link next to the bank account you want to reconcile in
  3. If prompted, either select Skip or Confirm and Continue for Likely Matches
  4. Under Unreconciled Bank Transactions, select the Add Bank Transaction button
    Import from file button under Add Bank Transaction button.
  5. Select Import from File
  6. Then select your CSV
  7. Match the fields to the columns from your file using the dropdown (e.g., Date should match to the Date header inside your file)
    Fields to be matched in pop-up with imported csv file.
  8. For the Amount Format, choose between 1 Column or 2 Columns
    1. If 2 Columns is selected, Amount Spent and Amount Earned fields are used and must be matched
  9. Once you’re done matching and specifying the Date Format, select Import Transactions
  10. The file will take up to 15 minutes to import, do not log out of your FreshBooks account during this period
  11. New transactions will be added and you can start reconciling them. If the new transactions are from before the Opening Balance Start Date, the Start Date will need to be adjusted to include these new transactions before they can become available for matching.


  • If the file import was not successful, a message will display with next steps, check below for common reasons
  • Ensure all transactions are unique in the CSV file, otherwise, use below steps to delete duplicate transactions
  • All imported transactions from the CSV file are labeled as Imported via CSV under the description, to help you differentiate between imported and manually added transactions


Add Transactions

To add a new transaction, use the below steps:

  1. Select the Accounting section
  2. Then select the # left to match, Add Transactions, or Upload CSV link next to the bank account you want to reconcile in
  3. If prompted, either select Skip or Confirm and Continue for Likely Matches
  4. Under Unreconciled Bank Transactions, select the Add Bank Transaction button
    Add bank transaction button above list of transactions.
  5. Then select Add Manually
  6. For the Transaction Type, choose between Money In or Money Out
    Fields to fill out for a new bank transaction.
  7. Transaction Date is automatically set to present day, select on this to change it to a different date if needed
  8. Next to Amount, specify the total of this transaction
  9. If needed, add notes in the Description field to give more details on the transaction, including any description from your bank statement
  10. Select Add Another Transaction to add more transactions, or select Review and Confirm
  11. Then select Confirm to finish. These new transactions will appear under Unreconciled Bank Transactions along with creating any expenses from money-out bank transactions for you to reconcile with. If the new transactions are from before the Opening Balance Start Date, the Start Date will need to be adjusted to include these new transactions before they can become available for matching.


  • Adding a money-out transaction will automatically create a matching entry in the expenses section, these expenses will show the Source as User Created
  • Adding a money-in transaction only creates a new transaction under Unreconciled Bank Transactions
  • All manual transactions are labeled as Manually Added Transaction under the description, to help you differentiate between imported and manually added transactions


Edit Transactions

To edit any transaction, use these steps:

  1. Select the Accounting section
  2. Then select the # left to match link next to the Bank Account you want to reconcile in
  3. If prompted, either select Skip or Confirm and Continue for Likely Matches
  4. Under Unreconciled Bank Transactions, check off the box(es) next to the transaction(s) you want to edit
    Edit option in a dropdown above list of transactions with a transaction checked off.
  5. Select the Bulk Actions button
  6. Then select Edit
  7. Edit the transaction details as needed and select Save Changes to finish.


  • To change the Transaction Type, note the details of the transaction, delete it, and add it as a new transaction under the correct Transaction Type instead
  • Editing a money-out transaction will also edit the corresponding expense


Delete Transactions

Delete transactions that aren’t found on your bank or credit card statements, like duplicates or pre-authorization charges, with these steps:

  1. Select the Accounting section
  2. Then select the # left to match link next to the Bank Account you want to reconcile in
  3. If prompted, either select Skip or Confirm and Continue for Likely Matches
  4. Under Unreconciled Bank Transactions, check off the box(es) next to the transaction(s) you want to delete
    Delete option in a dropdown above list of transactions with a transaction checked off.
  5. Select the Bulk Actions button
  6. Then select Delete and then select Confirm. This will also delete the corresponding FreshBooks Entry.


Review all deleted transactions by selecting on the deleted link at the bottom. From there you can select any transaction and undelete it if you’d like to reconcile with it instead. This will also undelete the corresponding FreshBooks entry.



Why did I get an error uploading my file?

The CSV file may be invalid depending on the error:

  • The CSV file itself is corrupt - copy the information to a new workbook and re-save as a .csv format
  • There are no header columns in the file or one header column is missing - Amount (or Amount Spent and Amount Earned), Category, Date and Description are required to be the first row in the file (if headers are missing, the first row is skipped)
  • Inconsistent data like mixed Date Format or Amount Spent and Amount Earned columns have negative numbers in the same row
  • There are unsupported letters and/or special characters like $ in the Amount column
  • The dates under the Date column are not written with dashes (-) or slashes (/) in between numbers (e.g., 01/17/2020 and 01-17-2020 are accepted)
  • There are empty cells in the file - right select and select Delete to clear out empty cells
  • The specified date format does not match the format in the file
  • The file contains multiple sheet tabs - separate multiple sheet tabs into separate CSV files instead
  • The file is larger than 5 MB, is more than 500 transactions, or is more than 1000 rows - try splitting it into two or more CSVs instead


How do you add transactions before the first available Opening Balance Start Date?

If you want to include transactions before the Opening Balance Start Date, use these steps:

  1. If an Opening Balance hasn’t been set yet, follow the steps in How do I set up bank reconciliation? to start from the earliest available date on the picker
  2. Add transactions manually or with import from a CSV file using the Add Transactions steps above, note the earliest date of your manually added transactions
  3. Then select the More Actions button in the top corner
    More Actions button inside Bank Rec.
  4. Next, select Reset Opening Balance
    Reset Opening Balance option selected under More Actions button.
  5. Change the Reconciliation Start Date to the date of the first manually added transaction
  6. Then update the Account Balance as of Start Date to the amount at the time of the first manually added transaction
  7. Select Continue and then select Reset to save your changes.



  • Transactions need to be added before the Opening Balance Start Date can be reset
  • Transactions added before the Opening Balance Start Date will not appear in bank reconciliation until the Start Date is reset to the date of the first manually added transaction
  • If the account shows ‘Waiting for Transactions’, reach out to our support team for next steps