How do I manage my FreshBooks Payments account?

FreshBooks Payments powered by Stripe is available for accounts based in Canada and the United States. Once FreshBooks Payments is set up, you can manage your FreshBooks Payments account anytime.
FreshBooks Payments powered by Stripe is only available for certain users for now. Our product team is working on updates to make FreshBooks Payments available to users in Canada and the US in the near future.
If you haven’t set up FreshBooks Payments yet, review How do I accept online payments with FreshBooks Payments powered by Stripe? first.

Access Your FreshBooks Payments Account

To access your FreshBooks Payments account, use the below steps:
  1. Go directly to Online Payments here, or select the Settings section
  2. Under Connections and Integrations, select Online Payments.
From here, you can manage your FreshBooks Payments account details:
FreshBooks Payments account with information displayed in online payments settings.
  • Online Payments - Displays your FreshBooks Payments account status
    • Active - Your FreshBooks Payments account is in good standing and can process online payments
    • Inactive - Your FreshBooks Payments account is unable to process online payments, log into your FreshBooks Payments account for more information
  • Payouts - Displays your payout status
    • Active - No disruptions to payouts being sent to your connected bank account
    • Inactive - Your payouts are paused, log into your FreshBooks Payments account for more information
  • Transaction Information - Displays default transaction fees, if eligible, your email from FreshBooks will contain your specific pricing
  • Payout Account - If needed, select the Edit Payout Account link to update your connected bank account
  • Payout Schedule - Your current payout schedule, including any delays
  • Edit FreshBooks Payments Info - Select Edit FreshBooks Payments Info to modify any of your onboarding details, including your descriptor shown on clients’ statements
  • Visit Stripe Dashboard - Select Visit Stripe Dashboard to log into your FreshBooks Payments account to view payments and disputes
Note: If you’re looking to process a refund for a payment made through FreshBooks Payments, review How do I refund a payment?.


Payouts, also known as payment settlements, are how money from your clients gets deposited into your bank account. Payout processing times will vary depending on whether or not it’s your first payment, how your client paid, and when the payment was processed:
  • Bank Transfers - 4 business days after payment occurs, for users in the United States only
  • Credit Card Payments - 1-2 business days after payment occurs

Delays on Payouts

Payouts can be delayed or paused for a variety of reasons:
  • Account verification requests - More information is required from you and your business before payouts can resume, these can include any of the following:
  • Bank account details incorrect or updated - Updates made to your bank account information will not retroactively apply to payouts already in transit, these are paid out to the old bank account information
    Incomplete payout due to reserves - If your payout is not paid out in full, this may indicate you have a temporary reserve on your account to ensure coverage for refunds and chargebacks to process
  • Payout date has been changed or postponed - Expected payout dates can be updated to a future date if there are any account verification issues
  • Payout is missing - Banks can add extra days, including weekends and holidays to process payouts

Bank Transfer and PAD Payment Failures

Bank transfers and PAD payments can fail any time after the payment is initiated. These failures can occur for any of the below reasons:
  • Insufficient funds
  • Invalid account number
  • Client disabling debits from their bank account
Payment Failure Notes:
  • Payment failures fees are charged for each payment failure
  • If a payment failure occurs after funds have been made available in your FreshBooks Payments balance, the funds are immediately removed from the balance
  • If a payment failure is sent by the bank after payment was successful, a dispute is created with a reason of either insufficient funds, incorrect bank account details, or bank cannot process

Disputes and Chargebacks

Disputes, also known as chargebacks, occur when your client contacts their bank or credit card company to question a charge. Common reasons for disputes can include:
  • Credit not processed
  • Duplicate
  • Fraudulent
  • General
  • Product not received
  • Product unacceptable
  • Subscription canceled
  • Unrecognized
When a dispute is filed, you have a limited amount of time, usually 7-21 days, to respond to the dispute. The dispute process is as follows:
  1. The disputed amount, along with a non-refundable dispute fee of $15, is debited immediately from your FreshBooks Payments account until the dispute is resolved
  2. If funds are not available in your FreshBooks Payments account, funds are withdrawn from your connected bank account
  3. A notification of the dispute is sent to your email address, along with a message in your FreshBooks account
  4. Select the Respond to Dispute button in the email, or the Respond Now button in the banner inside your FreshBooks account on the Dashboard
    Banner showing dispute with respond now button.
  5. Log into your FreshBooks Payments powered by Stripe account
  6. Select the Disputes section, and then select the payment being disputed
  7. Select either:
    1. Counter Dispute to provide evidence to prove that your client is the legitimate purchaser - this can take around 60-75 days to evaluate the evidence and decide the outcome
    2. Accept Dispute to refund the client and close the dispute.