
How can my team members track time?

Tracking time is easy whether you have a team or you’re looking to grow a team, all team members  invited to your FreshBooks account can track time. Both you and any admins will be able to review all time tracked by any team members, so you can help make your team more productive.

To get started, read below, or jump to a specific section:

Work with Team Members

Time tracking can be done by any team member that’s invited into your account. This allows you to review their time tracked and invoice for it back to your clients.

In FreshBooks, there are some roles that you can assign to your team members. These come with different levels of access, but all roles will allow them to track time for you.

  • Admins - Most access to your business’ account
  • Managers - Most access to your business' account
  • Employees - Some access to your business’ account
  • Contractors - Have their own account and some shared information to yours
  • Accountant - Some access to your business' account

Learn more about the differences between roles in What permissions can I assign to my team member? here. When you're ready to invite team members, use the steps in How do I invite and manage team members? here.

Ways to Track Time

Once everyone on your team is invited, tracking time can be done with any of these methods:


Review Time Tracked

With everyone in your team tracking time, you can quickly review it all in one place using the All sub-tab. This helps you monitor progress on any particular project, or improve productivity throughout your team.