
How do I export my data?

If you need to back up your data offline, or export it out for other uses, use the below steps depending on what you need exported. 



A list of both active and archived clients, including secondary contacts can be exported with the steps in What are clients? here.

Expense Receipts

Download all expense receipts you've uploaded for any time period with the steps in Bulk download receipts here. If needed, you can also run an Expense report and export with the steps in How do I export my reports? here.


Invoices, Estimates, and Proposals


To download individual invoices, estimates or proposals as PDFs, use the Bulk Actions button with these steps:

  1. Select the Invoices or Estimates section
  2. If needed, use the advanced search to filter your list
  3. Check off the box(es) next to the invoices or estimates/proposals you want to download
  4. Select the Bulk Actions button
  5. Then select Download PDF.


You can also use your browser's print option to save individual invoices, estimates, or proposals as a PDF, especially if text is splitting between pages.


CSV Files

For Invoices, run an Invoice Details report using the below steps:

  1. Go to the Reports section
  2. Select Invoice Details under Invoice and Expense Reports
  3. If needed, select Filters under Settings and adjust your view of the Invoice Details report
  4. Then select the More Actions button and select Export for Excel to save it as a CSV file.


For estimates and proposals, please reach out to our support team with the date range and any other filters, and we'll email the file to you.



Every report in your account is available to download as a CSV file, or as a PDF file via the print options. You can refer to the steps in How do I export my reports? here.

For quick access, select the star icon next to any report in your list of reports. These will be listed under Favorite Reports at the top in the Reports section.

Favorite reports section with 6 empty slots for reports to be added to.



A list of your vendors can be exported with the steps in the bottom of How do I import vendors from a file? here.