
How do I manage my email customization?

Email Customization (formerly Emails and Templates) allows you to manage which email address is used on all emails sent out of your FreshBooks account, as well as customize the subject and body in the emails sent to your clients, and create a custom email signature to deliver a great client experience. You can also preview any email before it's sent out while creating an invoice, estimate or proposal.

Email Customization and dynamic fields are available for specific users and for Premium and Select plans only.



Access your Email Customization with these steps: 

  1. Go directly to Email Customization here, or select the Settings section
  2. Under Business Profile, select Email Customization.

Reply-to Email Address

The Reply-to Email Address is used on all emails FreshBooks sends to your clients on your behalf, so any replies go back to this email used. Set up your reply-to address using the below steps: 

  1. Go directly to Email Customization here, or select the Settings section
  2. Under Business Profile, select Email Customization
  3. Then under Reply-to Email Address, select the Change reply-to email link
  4. Choose between Reply emails are sent to the sender (you or a team member) who emailed the client or Reply emails are sent to a specific email
    1. If Reply emails are sent to a specific email is selected, enter the new email address twice
      Reply-to email address with fields to fill out an email in.
  5. Select Save to finish. 


  • Reply emails are sent to the sender (you or a team member) who emailed the client - Whoever created the invoice, estimate or proposal will be the one to receive any email updates and replies on these emails
    • If the team member is deleted, resend any invoices, estimates, and proposals so the email replies go to the current sender instead
  • Reply emails are sent to a specific email - All replies go to a specific email, regardless of who created the invoice, estimate or proposal


Email Templates

Customize the emails to your clients by editing the subject and body as well as using dynamic fields, also known as dynamic variables and placeholder text, to auto-populate specific details. If you have clients set to a language that's not your account's default language, additional language templates will become available, with default text available for English, French and Spanish (Latin America). 

Email templates with links to edit each email type.

These templates are available to be edited:

  • New Invoice - When a new invoice is sent, applies to new invoices only
  • New Recurring Invoice - When a generated invoice from a new recurring template is sent, applies to new recurring templates only
  • Online Payment Notification - When an online payment has been processed on an invoice, applies to existing and new invoices
  • Automatic Recurring Payment Notification - When an invoice has been automatically paid upon being generated by the recurring template, sent to the primary client only and applies to existing and new invoices
  • Advanced Payment Notification - When you've charged the client's credit card on an invoice with only the Advanced Payments add-on, applies to existing and new invoices
  • New Estimate - When a new estimate is sent, applies to new estimates only
  • New Proposal - When a new proposal is sent, applies to new proposals only
  • Payment Reminder - When an invoice becomes outstanding or overdue, applies to all clients' new invoices and recurring templates


To edit your Email Templates, use these steps:

  1. Go directly to Email Customization here, or select the Settings section
  2. Under Business Profile, select Email Customization
  3. Then under Email Templates, if you have clients using other languages, select the language you want to view templates for
  4. Next, select any Template name, customize the Subject and Body as needed, and select the lightning bolt icon to add dynamic fields as needed (or type :: for a shortcut of all available dynamic fields)
    New invoice email template with subject and body to be customized.
  5. To view what the new template will look like, select the Preview toggle to turn it on
  6. When you’re done, select Save to finish. This will apply to newly created entities moving forward.

Note: The subject line has a limit of 100 characters and the email body has a limit of 4096 characters.

These dynamic fields are available for you to add on specific email templates:

  • Amount outstanding
  • Before/after due date
  • Client company name
  • Client first name
  • Invoice/estimate/proposal amount - Updates to amount outstanding on a partially-paid invoice instead
  • Invoice due date
  • Invoice/estimate/proposal number
  • Payment amount
  • Payment date


Email Signature

Create your own email signature that will go at the bottom of every email sent to your clients by FreshBooks on your behalf:

  1. Go directly to Email Customization here, or select the Settings section
  2. Under Business Profile, select Email Customization
  3. Then under Email Signature, enter your custom email signature
    Email signature field.
  4. Select Save Email Signature to finish.


Remove FreshBooks Branding


Remove FreshBooks Branding is available for certain users and Select plans only.


To remove the FreshBooks branding from the bottom of all emails sent from FreshBooks to your clients, use the below steps: 

  1. Go directly to Email Customization here, or select the Settings section
  2. Under Business Profile, select Email Customization
  3. Then under Remove FreshBooks Branding, slide the toggle on. All new emails sent out will have the FreshBooks branding removed from the bottom of the email. 
    Remove FreshBooks branding toggle enabled.

Email with FreshBooks branding on bottom.
With Branding
Email with no FreshBooks branding on bottom..png

Without Branding