
How do I activate SEPA Direct Debit on my invoices? (EUR)

SEPA Direct Debit, also known as bank transfer or Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA), is available through Stripe and allows businesses to receive online payments from clients through bank-to-bank transfers in EUR currency.


SEPA Direct Debit is available to businesses that have selected any EU Country in Basic Information settings or existing Stripe users that bills in Euros.




  • Availability - For businesses based in Europe that already have Stripe set up
  • Transaction Fee - 1% + €0.25 per transaction, with caps of €10 for Lite and Plus, €5 for Premium and Select
  • Processing / Payout Schedule - Direct debit payments take up to 6 business days to process; initial Direct Debit Mandate payments take anywhere from 1-7 business days to process at first, subsequent payments can be processed quicker
  • Chargebacks - Review Stripe’s disputes and fraud process here


Activate SEPA Direct Debit on Invoices

Direct Debit can be activated on any Invoice where the currency is in EUR (€) with the below steps:

  1. If you have not yet set up Stripe, complete the steps to accept online payments with Stripe first
  2. When creating an invoice, under Settings, select Accept Online Payments
    Accept online payments under settings on invoice.
  3. Under Stripe, check off the box next to Accept Direct Debit (Euro ‎€). If you check off Accept Credit Cards as well, your clients can pay by either credit card or Direct Debit on this invoice; if only one is checked off, your clients can only pay by the selected option
    Checkbox checked off next to accept direct debit.
  4. Select Done to finish applying the payment settings and continue editing the rest of your invoice. 

To view what the experience looks like for your clients when paying by Direct Debit, review As a client, how do I pay with Direct Debit? here.


SEPA Direct Debit Mandates

Direct Debit Mandates allow you, as a business owner, to easily save the client’s Direct Debit information for future use on a single invoice, or through recurring payments on recurring templates without having to request authorisation each time. This requires you to send a Direct Debit Set Up Form (also known as a Direct Debit Instruction) to safely collect the client’s payment details first before using it to pay invoices.

Send a SEPA Direct Debit Set Up Form

To send a Direct Debit Set Up Form, use the below steps:

  1. Select the Clients section
  2. Then select a client you’d like to send a Direct Debit Mandate to
  3. In the client profile, under Online Payment, select the + button and then select Set Up Direct Debit
    Set up direct debit button in client profile.
  4. A Direct Debit Setup Form email preview will appear - feel free to add additional emails in the To field or modify the Subject line
  5. Select the Enter a Personal Message field if you’d like to add details
  6. Then select Send Setup Form
  7. In the client profile, under Payment Options, this will display as Request Pending… until your client has completed the Set Up form
    Request pending under payment method in client profile.
  8. Once the Set Up Form has been completed, you’ll find Account ending in xxxx under Direct Debit in the client’s profile. You can now use this saved information to pay invoices or for recurring payments on recurring templates.
    Saved payment method displayed in client profile.


To view what the experience looks like for your clients when receiving and completing a Direct Debit Setup Form, review As a client, how do I pay with Direct Debit? here.


Pay with SEPA Direct Debit Mandates

To pay an invoice or set up recurring payments on a recurring template with a Direct Debit Mandate, use the below steps:  

For an Invoice

  1. Select the Invoices section
  2. Then select the Invoice you want to pay with a Direct Debit Mandate on
  3. Next, select the Direct Debit button
    Direct debit button above invoice.
  4. Choose the saved Direct Debit Mandate and select the Pay ‎€‎xx.xx‎ button
  5. Select Done to confirm
  6. Your client will receive an email indicating a Direct Debit payment is processing within the next 7 business days, along with a link to the invoice.


For a Recurring Template

Note: A Mandate must be saved first before you can use it on a recurring template. 

  1. Select the Invoices section, then select the Recurring Templates sub-tab
  2. For a new recurring template, select the plus button and create your new recurring template
  3. Or for an existing recurring template, select a recurring template
  4. In the Accept Online Payments section, under Automatic Payments, select the Add your client’s payment method link
    Add client payment method link on recurring template settings.
  5. Select the Direct Debit Mandate, then select the Apply button
    Apply button for direct debit payment.
  6. Finish making your recurring template as usual and select Save… to send
  7. When a recurring template generates an invoice, your client will receive an email indicating a Direct Debit payment is processing within the next 7 business days, along with a link to the invoice.