One way to track income in FreshBooks, is by marking invoices as paid. This is done by entering in a client's payment manually, if you have the payment on hand like cash and checks/cheques, or through one of the available online payment options. You're also able to modify payments if you've done a partial or full refund.
Review all online payments, including credit cards and bank transfers (ACH) as well as manual or offline payments in one place with the below steps by selecting the Payments section. If needed, select the Advanced Search button to filter your list of payments.

- All online payments are blue - only the notes can be edited
- All manual payments are green - These can be edited fully
From the Payments section, you can select any of the following:
More Actions
- View Payment Reports - Takes you to the Reports section to open any report
- Manage Online Payments - Go to Online Payments to manage your online payment settings
- Payment Settings - Control whether credits are automatically applied or not on recurring templates
Hover over any invoice payment to quickly perform any of these actions:

- Edit - Select the pencil icon to modify the payment
- Refund - Refund an online payment using the steps in How do I refund a payment? here
Add a Payment
If you've received a payment outside of FreshBooks like cash, check or Interac e-transfer, you can add these payments to their invoices in your account so FreshBooks recognizes you've received that money. If needed you can also send a payment notification email to let your clients know you've received their payment.
To add a payment, you can either:
- Add in the Payments Section
- Add it in Bulk (for several payments in the same currency)
- Add on an Invoice Directly
Add Payments Inside the Payments Section
This allows you to quickly add a payment without an option to send a payment receipt email to the client:
- Select the Payments section
- Next to All Invoice Payments, select the + button
- In the Invoice field, enter in the invoice number, or look for the invoice in the dropdown list
- The Payment Date of the payment will default to today, select it to change it to a different date if needed
- Choose the Payment Type
- Specify the Amount Paid, this will be in the same currency as the invoice’s
- If needed, add any Notes about the payment
- Select the green checkmark to save the payment.
Add Payments in Bulk
This allows you to quickly add payments to multiple invoices at once, with the option to send payment notification emails to the clients.
If you're looking to apply a credit as a payment instead, you'll need to use the Add Payment to an Individual Invoice steps further down.
- Select the Invoices section
- Check off up to 30 boxes next to invoices in the same currency that you want to mark as paid
- Select the Bulk Actions button that appears above the list
- Then select Add a Payment
- If all the selected invoices have the same information, you can use the Apply to All Payments section to give them the same Payment Dates, Internal Notes, and/or Payment Type
- Otherwise, edit each clients' payments for their invoices with the Payment Date, Internal Notes, Payment Type, and Amount as needed
- Check off the box next to Send client a payment notification email if you'd like to inform your clients of the payment being made
- Once you're done, select Save. If selected, the payment notification email will be sent to your clients.
Add Payment to an Individual Invoice
This allows you to pay an invoice individually with the option to send a payment notification email to the Client as well:
- Select the Invoices section
- Then open the invoice you've received payment for
- Next, select More Actions then select Add a Payment
- In the Add a Payment pop-up, the Amount will be populated with the full outstanding total, the full deposit, or the next available payment schedule - you can overwrite this with a different amount if needed
- Next, choose the Payment Method in the dropdown - the client's credit will appear if any is available as the first option
- The Date of the payment will default to today, select it to change it to a different date if needed
- For Payment Notes, if needed, add details about the payment
- Check off the box next to Send client a payment notification email if you'd like to inform your client of the payment being made
- Select Add Payment and if selected, an email will be sent to your client. The email will state that [Business] has received your [Payment Method] payment of [Amount] for Invoice [Number].
Edit a Payment
Payments can edited from within the Payments section or while on an individual invoice:
Add Payments Inside the Payments Section
Edit a payment in the Payments section with these steps:
- Select the Payments section
- Then select the payment you want to edit, or select the pencil icon while hovering over it
- Edit any information as needed
- Then select the green checkmark to save the changes.
Edit Payments on an Individual Invoice
Edit a payment while working on an invoice with these steps:
- Select the Invoices section
- Then select the invoice you would like to edit the payment on
- Go to the bottom of the invoice to find the payments associated
- Select the payment you want to edit
- Edit any information as needed, and select Save once you're done.
Delete a Payment
Deleting a payment is very similar to editing a payment. If you've ever accidentally marked an invoice as paid and want to make it unpaid again, or undo the payment, you can use these steps in the Payments section or while on an invoice. If you need to do a refund, use the steps in How do I refund a payment? here.
Delete Payments Inside the Payments Section
Delete a payment in the Payments section with these steps:
- Select the Payments section
- Then select the payment you want to edit, or select the pencil icon while hovering over it
- Select the Delete Payment link
- Confirm by selecting the Delete Payment button.
Delete Payments on an Individual Invoice
Delete a payment while working on an invoice with these steps:
- Select the Invoices section
- Then select the Invoice you would like to delete the payment from
- Go to the bottom of the invoice to find the payments associated
- Check the box to the left of the payment then select the More Actions button
- Then select Delete
- Select OK and the payment will be deleted.