FreshBooks sends out email on your behalf for all activity in your account, including sending out new invoices, payment reminders, when a client successfully pays, or when you invite a team member for example.
Browse through the complete list of all emails that are sent below or jump to a specific type of email:
To Clients
Client Activity
Section | Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
Accountant Hub Client | Invite to FreshBooks | [Accountant Firm] is inviting you to FreshBooks |
[Accountant Name] from [Accountant Firm] is inviting you to FreshBooks Hi [Client Name], We’ve set up FreshBooks as your new billing and accounting system. It lets us do your accounting while giving you a place to do everything from invoicing to time tracking. It’s easy to use, and they’ve got a great mobile app too. Accept the invitation to get access to your FreshBooks account, and be sure to check out the invoicing and reporting features. Thanks, Accept the Invitation |
Transfer of FreshBooks account | Transfer of FreshBooks account billing |
[Accountant Name] wants to transfer billing ownership for a FreshBooks account to you. [Accountant Name] from [Accountant Firm] wants to transfer billing ownership for the [Business Name] account to you. To access your FreshBooks account, please accept the transfer and provide your billing information. Accept the Transfer | |
Client Account | Client invites someone to access their client account as an employee (Any contact can receive this) | Please view our invoice / estimate / proposal from [Company Name] |
[Client] has invited you to review invoices / estimates / proposals from [Company Name]. Review Invoices/Estimates/Proposals |
Saved invoice / estimate / proposal and client account creation | Your Invoice / Estimate / Proposal from [Company Name] has been saved |
Your invoice/estimate/proposal from [Company Name] has been saved You can now view your invoice from [Company Name] and keep your info up to date. View My Invoices/Estimates/Proposals Don't remember saving this invoice? You can reset your password or contact support for more information. | |
Invoices |
New invoice (Secondary contacts can also receive this. Also applies to any recurring invoices that are not actively using recurring payments) |
[Company Name] sent you an invoice ([number]) |
Note: If Payment Schedules are used, message is slightly different. [Company Name] sent you an invoice [Invoice Number] for [amount] that's due on [date]. View Invoice / View and Pay Invoice |
Payment reminder is triggered on an invoice (Secondary contacts can also receive this) | Reminder: Invoice [Invoice Number] from [Company Name] is unpaid / overdue |
Note: If Payment Schedules are used, message is slightly different. Your payment of [amount] for invoice [Invoice Number] from [Company Name] is due in [number] day(s) / now overdue / [number] day(s) overdue View Invoice / View and Pay Invoice | |
Invoices / Estimates / Proposals |
Comment on an invoice / estimate / proposal | [Sender] commented on invoice / estimate / proposal [number] ([amount]) |
[Sender] commented on invoice / estimate / proposal [number] ([amount]). [Sender] View Invoice / Estimate / Proposal and Reply |
Estimates / Proposals |
New estimate / proposal (Secondary contacts can also receive this) | [Company Name] sent you an estimate / proposal ([number]) |
[Company Name] sent you an estimate / proposal ([number]) View your Estimate / Proposal |
Projects |
A post was added inside a project’s discussion | ([Project Name]) [Person] added a new post to the project / ([Project Name]) [Person] added files |
[Person] posted a new message in / added files to [Project Name] [Comment] Reply to Person |
A comment was added to a post inside a project’s discussion | ([Project Name]) [New Person] commented on [Original Person]'s post |
[New Person] commented on [Other Person]’s post in [Project Name] [Original Post] [New Comment] Reply to [New Person] | |
Reports |
Any report is emailed from the business | [Company Name] sent you a [Report Name] |
[Person] from [Company Name] has sent you a/an [Report Name] for [Time Period] Download Report FreshBooks is an easy-to-use transaction capture tool your small business clients can use to:
To learn more, contact us or visit |
Client Payments
Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
Checkout Link payment successful | Your Payment to [Company Name] |
[Company Name] has received your payment of [amount] View Receipt |
Checkout Link payment declined | Failed Payment to [Company Name] |
Unfortunately, your payment to [Company Name] was unsuccessful. Please try again. Try Again |
Credit Note / Prepayment Credit issued by business (Secondary contacts can also receive this) | [Company Name] sent you a credit ([Credit Note / Prepayment Credit Number]) |
[Company Name] has sent you a credit ([Credit Note / Prepayment Credit number]) for [amount]. View Credit |
Direct Debit setup form requested by business (for BACS/SEPA payments) (Secondary contacts can also receive this if manually emailed) | [Company Name] has sent you a Direct Debit setup form |
[Company Name] has sent you a Direct Debit setup form for authorization to take future payments from your bank account Set up Direct Debit |
Manual payment is added to an invoice by the business | [Company Name] has received your payment for invoice [number] |
[Company Name] has received your [Payment Method] payment of [amount] for invoice [number] View Your Invoice |
Online payment successfully processed on invoice | [Company Name] has received your payment for invoice [number] |
[Company Name] has received your payment of [amount] for invoice [number] View Your Invoice |
Online payment via Advanced Payments successfully charged on invoice | [Company Name] charged your credit card for invoice [number] |
[Company Name] charged your credit card [amount] for invoice [number] View Your Invoice |
Recurring Payment successfully processed on an invoice generated from a recurring template | [Company Name] charged your credit card / bank account for invoice [number] |
Invoice [number] ([amount]) from [Company Name] was automatically paid on [payment date] with: [Bank Account / Credit Card with last 4 digits] Your next payment will be automatically paid on [next payment date] View Paid Invoice Manage Payment Details |
Recurring Payment declined on invoice generated from a recurring template (No email is sent if payment is saved with Advanced Payments) | Automatic payment failure for invoice [number] |
Your automatic payment to invoice [number] ([amount]) from [Company Name] could not be processed. Please re-enter your payment details and try again View and Pay Invoice |
Refund for online payment is issued by business | [Company Name] has sent you a refund - Invoice [number] |
[Company Name] issued a [amount] refund for Invoice [number]. The amount will appear in your Credit Card / Bank Account statement within 3-7 business days. |
To Owners
Owner Activity
Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
Bank Connection disconnected for Plaid | Your bank account has been disconnected |
Heads up - it looks like your bank connection to FreshBooks has been disconnected. Not to worry, this can happen for a variety of reasons. Here's how to reconnect it:
And that’s it! Your bank account should be reconnected to FreshBooks. P.S. This FAQ walks through some helpful troubleshooting for your Bank Connections on Plaid. |
Client accepted an estimate / proposal | [Client Name] has accepted Estimate / Proposal [Number] for [Client Name] |
[Client Name] has accepted Estimate / Proposal [Number]. Visit the link below to view the Estimate / Proposal for [Client] or convert it to an invoice. View Estimate / Proposal |
Comment on an invoice / estimate / proposal (If owner created it, team member comments will not trigger an email) | [Sender] commented on invoice / estimate / proposal [number] ([amount]) |
[Sender] commented on invoice / estimate / proposal [number] ([amount]). [Sender] View Invoice / Estimate / Proposal and Reply |
Email change | Important: Your FreshBooks email address has been changed |
The email address associated with your FreshBooks account has been changed. Old email address: [email] New email address: [email] If you initiated this change, no further action is required. If you did not initiate this change, we recommend contacting our support team immediately to secure your account. |
Email delivery not successful for invoice or estimate | Invoice/Estimate delivery was unsuccessful |
FreshBooks couldn’t deliver an invoice/estimate from [Business Name] to the following contact: Recipient email: [Client email] Please view the invoice/estimate and check the email address before resending. View Invoice/Estimate |
Email verification | Please verify your email address for FreshBooks |
If first time: Verify Your Email to Start Using FreshBooks Thank you for signing up. Click the button below to access your FreshBooks account: Verify My Email
Verify your email address for FreshBooks This helps us keep your invoices and financial information safe and secure. Verify My Email |
Login Code |
Your FreshBooks Code [######] |
Here is your code This code will expire in 10 minutes. For your security, don’t share it with others. [######] If you didn’t request this code or you need help, contact our Support team. |
An invoice generated by a recurring template was sent | Recurring Invoice ([number]) was sent to [Client] |
A recurring invoice ([number]) for [amount] was sent to the following contacts at [Client]: [Primary Client] ([Primary Client email]) To stop receiving these emails, manage your email notifications. |
Owner Payments
Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
Checkout Link payment received | New Payment to Your Checkout Link |
A new payment was made to your Checkout Link: [Checkout Link Name] View Receipt |
Client removed bank account from Recurring Template | [Client] has removed their bank account from a recurring template |
[Client] has removed their bank account from a recurring template. Please contact your client to update their payment information so you will be paid in time. View Recurring Template |
Client removed credit card from Recurring Template | [Client] has removed their credit card from a recurring template |
[Client] has removed their credit card from a recurring template View Recurring Template |
Client’s online payment successfully processed on an invoice (not applicable for Recurring Payments) | [Client] has paid invoice [number] |
[Client] made a payment of [amount] for invoice [number]. The invoice is now paid in full. Cha-ching! View Invoice |
Client’s online payment or Advanced Payments charge declined on an invoice | [Client] has had an unsuccessful payment on invoice [Invoice Number] |
Note: If using Advanced Payments, the message is slightly different to let you know the charge was unsuccessful. [Client] has attempted a payment of [amount] for invoice [number]. The payment was unsuccessful. Please contact [Client] / View Invoice |
Client’s Recurring Payment declined on an invoice generated from a Recurring Template (No email is sent if payment is saved with Advanced Payments) | [Client] has had an unsuccessful payment on invoice [Invoice Number] |
You attempted to charge [Client]’s [Payment Method] [amount] for invoice [number]. The charge was unsuccessful. Please contact [Client] View Invoice |
Owner Projects
Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
A post was added inside a project’s discussion | ([Project Name]) [Person] added a new post to the project / ([Project Name]) [Person] added files |
[Person] posted a new message in / added files to [Project Name] [Comment] Reply to Person |
A comment was added to a post inside a project’s discussion | ([Project Name]) [New Person] commented on [Original Person]'s post |
[New Person] commented on [Other Person]’s post in [Project Name] [Original Post] [New Comment] Reply to [New Person] |
To Team Members
Business Activity
Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
Client accepted an estimate / proposal (If team member created estimate / proposal) | [Client Name] has accepted Estimate / Proposal [Number] for [Client Name] |
[Client Name] has accepted Estimate / Proposal [Number]. Visit the link below to view the Estimate / Proposal for [Client] or convert it to an invoice. View Estimate / Proposal |
Comment on an invoice / estimate / proposal (If team member created invoice) | [Client] commented on invoice/estimate/proposal [number] ([amount]) |
[Client] commented on invoice / estimate / proposal [number] ([amount]). [Client] View Invoice / Estimate / Proposal and Reply |
Manual payment is added to an invoice by a team member (If team member created invoice) | [Team Member] has paid invoice [number] |
[Team Member] made a payment of [amount] for invoice [number]. The invoice is now paid in full. Cha-ching! View Invoice |
Other Activity
Email Type | Subject Line | Email Content |
Accountant invited to join business' account | Accountant Access to my FreshBooks |
You’ve been granted unique accountant access to FreshBooks Support in FreshBooks. FreshBooks is cloud accounting software designed to make it easier for us to work together. Get started Accountant access lets you:
Getting set up only takes a few minutes. Thanks, |
Admin invited to join business' account | Using FreshBooks for invoicing and accounting |
Hey [Admin's Name], We’re using FreshBooks as our new billing and accounting system. It lets us do everything from invoicing to time tracking, and helps us quickly understand how the business is performing. Get started This gives you access to our FreshBooks account. Check out the invoicing and reporting — it’s really easy to use and they’ve got a great mobile app too. Thanks, |
Contractor invited to join business' account | Using FreshBooks to track your time and submit invoices |
Hey [Contractor's Name], FreshBooks is the tool we use to track time, send and receive invoices, and manage projects. Using FreshBooks to track your time and send me invoices ensures you'll get paid quickly for your work. Get started If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me. Thanks, |
Employee invited to join business' account | Using FreshBooks to track time and expenses |
Hey [Employee's Name], We're using FreshBooks to track our time and expenses, so we can easily invoice clients and manage projects. Get started This gives you access to our FreshBooks account. Start tracking your time and expenses in there - it's really easy to use and they've got a great mobile app too. Thanks, |
Manager invited to join business' account | Using FreshBooks for invoicing and accounting |
Hey [Manager's Name], We’re using FreshBooks to create estimates and invoices for clients, track the team's time and manage projects. Get started This gives you access to our FreshBooks account. Start tracking your time and expenses in there - it's really easy to use and they've got a great mobile app too. Thanks, |
Pay stub from FreshBooks Payroll | Pay stub from [Company Name] |
Hello [Person], Your pay stub for [payroll run dates] is attached. To open the attachment, you'll need to enter a password. The password is your date of birth in the format, MMDDYY. If you have questions about your paystub, please reach out to [Company Name]. |
A post was added inside a project’s discussion | ([Project Name]) [Person] added a new post to the project / ([Project Name]) [Person] added files |
[Person] posted a new message in / added files to [Project Name] [Comment] Reply to Person |
A comment was added to a post inside a project’s discussion | ([Project Name]) [New Person] commented on [Original Person]'s post |
[New Person] commented on [Other Person]’s post in [Project Name] [Original Post] [New Comment] Reply to [New Person] |
Team member added to a project | [Sender] has added you to the project: [Project Name] |
[Sender] added you to the project [Project Name] View the Project Use FreshBooks Projects to:
Team member added to multiple projects |
[Sender] added you to the following projects [List of Projects] View your projects Use FreshBooks Projects to:
Team member’s role is updated |
[Sender] has updated your role in FreshBooks Go to FreshBooks With your new role you can… [List of tasks] |
Why are my clients not receiving emails from my FreshBooks account?
Emails sent from FreshBooks are delivered through our mail delivery services, and come from either of these domain email addresses:
If the emails are in your client’s junk or spam folder, have the client mark these emails as safe so they can go through to the inbox next time.
If your clients still aren’t receiving your emails sent from FreshBooks, below are some common issues:
- The recipient’s email address is incorrect or doesn’t exist
- The recipient’s mailbox is unavailable or deactivated - especially if the mailbox is too full or if the recipient’s email provider has temporarily restricted the recipient’s email service
- A temporary technical issue occurred, like a Domain Name System (DNS) or network communication failure
Depending on the reason, you may need to contact your client directly to resolve the issue before resending. You can also send an invoice, estimate, or proposal to anyone using a unique shareable link or download a PDF version to send using your own email service.
My clients are having trouble opening and viewing their invoices, how do I fix this?
There are several reasons that could be preventing your clients from viewing their Invoices:
- Incompatible or outdated browsers like Internet Explorer / IE 11 - review Which web browsers can I use with FreshBooks? for details
- Old sessions stored on a web browser causing a login page - review steps to clear your clear cache and cookies here
- Viewing a “Invoice xxx is no longer available” message - review Why is my invoice no longer available? here to fix