Changes and updates in 2022

In 2022, we've added more new features and improvements to FreshBooks so you can focus on running your business successfully. Release notes, also known as a changelog, are below for 2022.
For the newest updates, review the current year in Changes and Updates instead.

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CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Clients and PaymentsCompany Name Displayed on Invoice and Checkout Link PaymentsThe client's company name, when available, is now displayed on invoice payments and Checkout Link payments in the Payments section.
Mobile and ExpensesImproved Expense Categorization on AndroidTo support the new customizable Chart of Accounts, expenses can now be categorized as operating expenses or cost of goods sold (COGS) on the FreshBooks Mobile App for Android.
SettingsUpdated Labels on Login PageWhen logging into your account or resetting your password, floating labels are added to clearly identify the text fields as you're typing into them.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Invoices and PaymentsPartial Payments with Advanced PaymentsWhen paying an invoice with Advanced Payments, you can now choose between paying in full or with partial payments.
SettingsImproved Verification MessagingWhen verifying your FreshBooks account, the copy has been improved to indicate logging into your FreshBooks account if your email is already verified.
Mobile and ExpensesImproved Expense Categorization on iOSTo support the new customizable Chart of Accounts, expenses can now be categorized as operating expenses or cost of goods sold (COGS) on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.
Customer ExperienceDedicated Help Section and Improved Self-ServeOur Help section can now be accessed directly with a link instead of a pop-up. This new Help section also includes easier access to our self-serve resources while making it easy to contact support.
SettingsShow Password during LoginWhen logging into your account, you can toggle between show and hide to ensure you have the right password entered in.
ClientsClient Profile Tabs UpdatedWhen viewing a client profile, the order of tabs have been updated to start with invoices and recurring templates first for quicker access.
MobileInvoice Updates on iOSWhen creating or editing invoices, adding line items shows items and services in separate lists, and a preview button is added to view the invoice like a client. You can now send the invoice by Share via Link, by email with the option to include the Invoice as a PDF, by SMS, or by generating a QR code, on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.
AccountingLoad More Transactions for Bank RecFor users with 100+ unmatched bank rec transactions on the left side of bank rec, a Load More Transactions link is available to display additional transactions to reconcile with.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Settings and DashboardFiscal Year End on Dashboard Graphs Dashboard graphs (except for Monthly Recurring Revenue) now default to your fiscal year end if one is set.
Payments and ReportsCheckout Links Updates Checkout Links now include new fields like terms and conditions and shipping address. The Payments Collected report is also updated to show Checkout Link payments and other income entries.
MobileResponsive Web Browser ExperienceSeveral areas of FreshBooks have been updated to provide a more responsive experience while using a mobile web browser.
InvoicesImproved View of Online Payment Methods on InvoiceWhile creating or editing an invoice, accept online payments under Settings now displays On or Off next to your selected payment methods.
Accessibility, Clients and VendorsImproved Layout for Clients and VendorsLayouts have been improved with easier fields when creating or editing clients and vendors
SettingsSecond Address Line for Business Business details in Settings now includes a second Street Address line that will be included anywhere the business address is shown.
Invoices and RetainersImproved Layout for RetainersLayouts have been improved with easier fields when creating or editing a retainer.
MobileDuplicate Expenses on iOSExpenses can now be duplicated on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Accounting, Reports, and ExpensesImport Transactions from a file for Bank Rec Import transactions in bulk with a CSV file for bank reconciliation.
Accessibility, Navigation, and SettingsImproved Account and Business Sub-Tabs The sub-tabs in Settings have been renamed from My Account to Account, and from My Company to Business, along with improved layout on both sections.
MobileImport Phone Contacts as Clients on iOSWhen adding a new client, you can choose to import from your list of contacts on your phone on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Apps and ReportsManual Adjustments on Making Tax Digital (MTD) Submissions Manual adjustments can be made on your VAT Return before submitting it in your MTD portal.
SettingsTime ZonesTime zones can be set in Business for business-wide activity and in Account for owners and all roles for all time entries.
MobileManual Mileage Tracking for iOS Manually add trips to your mileage tracking on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.
MobileManual Mileage Tracking for Android Manually add trips to your mileage tracking on the FreshBooks Mobile App for Android.
My TeamCopy Email Address for Team MemberTeam members' email address can be copied while viewing a team member's profile.
ProjectsLess Clicks to Add Service to ProjectAdding a service to a project has been reduced from two clicks to one click.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
SettingsDisplay Credits in Billing and UpgradeAny applied offers or credits on your FreshBooks subscription is now visible in your bill summary in Billing and Upgrade.
SettingsAdditional Date FormatsTwo additional date formats in business ( and yyyy/mm/dd) have been added.
Time TrackingImproved Search while Logging Time EntriesWhile tracking time on the monthly view, selecting projects and clients from long lists is now faster.
AccountingManual Transactions in Bank Rec Add, edit, delete and undelete bank rec transactions to make reconciling easier.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
MobileFilter by Archived and Deleted Invoices on iOS Manage your archived and deleted invoices by tapping on the Showing Active by [Sort By] section above your list of invoices on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.
Accessibility and NavigationImproved Page TabsPage tabs have been updated for greater visibility and to support easier keyboard navigation and screen readers.
Invoices and PaymentsProcess a Refund on InvoiceRefunds can now be done from within the invoice itself.
PaymentsBarclaycard RefundsYou can now process refunds for Barclaycard Payments.
Expenses and InvoicesImproved Loading TimesPages now load faster in the expenses and bills section as well as when opening invoices.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Improved Decline Messages to Client for WePay Payments
Clients paying through WePay will now view more specific and helpful messaging if their payment declines.
Clearer Instructions for Password Resets
When requesting a password reset, there is clearer messaging.
Google Play Subscriptions on Android
You can now sign up and pay for your FreshBooks subscription through Google Play Subscriptions on the FreshBooks Mobile App for Android.
Filter by Archived and Deleted Clients on iOS
Manage your archived and deleted clients by tapping on the Showing Active by [Sort By] section above your list of invoices on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.
Received Invoices (To Me) Advanced Search
Use regular or advanced search to narrow down your list of received invoices (To Me) with specific filters like sender, status, amount and more.
Improved Decline Messages to Client for Stripe Payments
Clients paying through Stripe will now view more specific and helpful messaging if their payment declines.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Browser Support Message
If using an unsupported web browser, a warning message is displayed with instructions to update your web browser.
Email Documents and Bill Line Item Auto-Capture
Email documents to a unique email address which will automatically scan for you to review in your uploads later. Bills with multiple line items will be automatically extracted for Select users.
Bulk Export Receipts
Bulk export all your expense receipts within a specified date range.
Time Tracking
Chrome Time Tracker Extension Improvements
The Chrome time tracker extension updates includes a consistent login experience and time tracking experience, the ability to assign time to a retainer, and updated branding.
Option to Remove Loading Screen Quotes
Now you can choose between displaying inspirational quotes or none when FreshBooks is loading in account settings.
My Team and Clients
Client Access Limit Increased
The limit for the number of clients to include or exclude in client access has been increased from 500 to 2500.
Payments and Invoices
Recurring Payments with Barclaycard Payments
Recurring payments is now available for Barclaycard Payments.
Accessibility and Navigation
Improved Radio Buttons with Text Fields
Radio buttons with text fields have been updated so that the text field now appears underneath when the radio button is selected, for easier keyboard navigation and for screen readers.
Time Tracking
Pop-Out Timer
Pop-out the timer in a separate browser window to track time.
Open Projects in New Browser Tab or Window
Projects can now be opened in separate browser tabs or windows when selecting from the list of projects.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
MobileClient Address Street 2 Line on AndroidClient addresses now have a Street 1 and Street 2 line to accommodate longer addresses on the FreshBooks Mobile App for Android.
NavigationNew FontThe font has been updated throughout FreshBooks to match our current branding.
InvoicesShorter Links in Share via Link Share via Link now generates a shorter unique link with a maximum of 28 characters.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
Time TrackingLess Clicks to Track Time in Monthly ViewTracking time on the Monthly view has been reduced from two clicks to one click.
ExpensesExpenses Search for Managers and EmployeesBoth managers and employees can now use the search to filter their expenses.
InvoicesEdit Invoices with Payment Schedules Payment Schedules now factors in any partial payments, including deposits, that may have already been added to the invoice.
MobileImproved Credit Card Scanning on iOSScanning a credit card with Advanced Payments' charge card is now quicker on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.


CategoryChanges and UpdatesDetails
MobileSort on List of ClientsYour list of clients can now be sorted by name, organization name and outstanding amount on the FreshBooks Mobile App for iOS.
Time TrackingPause Timer UpdatesWhen your tracking format is set to duration, you can now pause from within the timer or resume any logged time entry to track more time to it again.
MobileDuplicate Estimates on AndroidEstimates can now be duplicated on the FreshBooks Mobile App for Android.